Thursday, March 21, 2013


I've been busting my butt trying to finish up my last semester of school and raise 4 kids under the age of 6 (6 year old turns 7 tomorrow!) so I haven't had a ton of time for pictures! We also recently found out that all of our little guy's issues with his skin are likely due to a dye allergy. So we had to put off on using a lot of our diapers. Thankfully I was able to put in an order for some 'China cheapies' until I can weed through what we have and can use. A lot of his sister's stash is useable by him as soon as she decides she is using the potty! *eye roll*

Here is the boogy in a Sunbaby size 1:

Really Sunbaby's work just fine. I get why people don't encourage the purchase of them, and believe me I'm not a fan of purchasing from China.. but $60 for 12 diapers is pretty much impossible to find state side. Especially shipped in a variety of prints and colours. The quality is never an issue for me and I always give them a thorough wash before they go on a bum here. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

So, what happens when you have 4 kids and one of them is a breastfeeding giant of a cutie? You get approximately ZERO time to blog about anything.

Here is something I made today:

Here is something I whipped up yesterday for the little stink: